
Online Giving - Simple and Secure

With just a few steps, you can either make a single contribution or establish recurring donations using your Visa or MasterCard debit or credit card.

Support our campaigns:

Give by Cheque

Make cheques payable  and mail to address:

106 - 1033 Haro Street, Vancouver, BC V6E 1C8 Canada


Please send e-transfer to with password “prayer” and email your 1) name, 2) donation amount, and 3) mailing address to for tax receipt purposes.

PRE-AUTHORIZED DEBIT: Please click  here to download the P.A.D Form and send in mail to address below.

Prayer Current is a Registered Charity in Canada and the USA.  Donation tax receipts will be issued at the end of the taxation year.

Prayer Current Christian Education and Missionary Society 

CRA Charity No.: 822281283RR0001